Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Define: Balance

     I have taken several different history and government classes throughout my educational career. Without fail, every class has always talked about, and more accurately stressed, the importance of checks and balances. However, it is only recently that I have begun to think of the meaning of checks and balances. Through class discussions and going over landmark court cases I have formed my own opinion regarding checks and balances. I believe that the most accurate definition and embodiment of the checks and balances system comes from Judicial Review. Judicial review is the power granted to the Judicial branch of government that allows the Supreme Court to decide if a court decision or if a law made by one of the other branches- legislative or executive branch, or any other state government courts and agencies is constitutional or not. If you really look closely at the definition of judicial review, it makes sense why I believe this to embody balance in our government.      Isn't our government, at its core, built upon the words of the constitution? Isn't the constitution designed to be the backbone of America, the very governing document? If judicial review is the privilege to decipher if laws and proceedings are in line with the governing document, then that makes this privilege the ultimate sense of balance and harmony. This power ultimately give the Supreme Court the power to declare laws null and void, which ensures the protection and validity of our standing constitution. 

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