Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Semester Sentiment

     I truly cannot adequately express in words the gratitude I have for this semester. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone more than I could have ever imagined, given me the fondest of memories, presented me with true tests to my strength, and ultimately showered me in immense love. While there are people I thought would be in my life forever that I no longer talk to, I have never had so many genuine, amazing friends to surround myself with in my entire life. I am thankful for the ways in which they inspire and encourage me constantly. I took on more courses than I have ever tried to balance at once this semester, and while at times I wanted to scream and give up, I pushed myself to breathe through each motion. I made it through each course with grades  I am proud of and new found knowledge and skills I know I will only benefit from. My eyes have been truly opened this semester to fascinating new ideas and concepts thanks to professors who genuinely cared about my academic experience. I stepped up and ran for Executive Council of my sorority and now have the privilege of running our PR where I get to serve 200 amazing women and practice a role I wish to one day have a career in. Looking back, I can hardly recognize the girl I was in August, I can't believe the growth this semester has instilled in me. I have ultimately learned that we are 1000% stronger than we think we are, and the only way to access that strength is to fake it until you realize you're not even faking it anymore- you're living it.

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A Semester Sentiment

     I truly cannot adequately express in words the gratitude I have for this semester. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone more t...