Sunday, December 15, 2019

Individual Self-Fulfillment

     This week in class, we read about the Eight Values of Free Expression. After reading through each of these different speech theories, it was clear to me which was the most important and meaningful and why. The theory of Individual Self-Fulfillment definitely stood out to me as the value that embodied the spirit behind free, true self expression. By definition, becoming self-actualized is a series of steps in personal growth toward fulfilling a higher need, such as uncovering the meaning of life.  
     Individual self-fulfillment is also recognized as self-actualization. This concept actually comes from a theory in psychology, first proposed by Abraham Maslow. Maslow stated how people must fulfill a set of basic needs before they can become self-actualized, these needs taking on the form of a pyramid in a hierarchy of importance.  The journey through the pyramids hierarchies represents personal growth. In order for an individual to truly utilize their self expression, they must feel secure and have a level of confidence within. Accomplishing self-actualization allows for an individual to possess the personal growth needed to know what they want to say, when, and how. They may not always be right, and they may change their mind later on, but the point is that they have the confidence to give them self a platform or foundation to which they can express them self on. Free speech gives people the gift of self expression, which leads to their own identify. The psychology behind Maslow's pyramid is that fulfillment of all hierarchies reveals one's deepest desires and abilities, thus directly relating to the ways in which they express them self. When one is able to successfully accomplish self-actualization, they open up the portal to find meaning and purpose in their life. This is where all true and passionate expression can stem from. 

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