Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why Snapchat Caught on in a Snap

     After our in class discussion today, where we went over a Com Tech Time Line, there were newer innovations that have proven to be very popular and relevant amongst my generation,  that did not make it onto the time line since it stopped at 2007. One innovation in particular that I would like to talk about is social media platform called Snapchat. I am going to view Snapchat through the lens of the theory, diffusion of innovations, which is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. The main reason that I believe Snapchat caught on so fast and spread is because of it's instant gratification aspect. Users of the platform are able to take a snap shot of what they are doing and instantly share it to their "story" and see who views it and when. Viewers of the "story" can swipe up with replied, compliments, questions, etc. It allows for the user to show off what they are up to at all times and monitor consistent feedback and engagement from others. With an app that allows for people to share so much about their daily day-to-day routine, of course I see downsides. There is the concern of privacy. Snapchat allows you to put filters on pictures that showcase your exact location at the current time. Everything about Snapchat is geared towards current, "in the now" updates. This can be dangerous because you are letting people know where you are which makes you vulnerable. It can also cause an unhealthy obsession with wanting other people to think you are having fun so badly, that you neglect to be genuinely present in the moment and fail to truly feel the happiness of that moment. 
     All in all, Snapchat excelled in the four elements of spreading a new idea, according to Rogers: the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and a social system. We live in a social system that obsesses over each other and thrives on jealousy. It is all about wanting to wear what she is, eat at the restaurant he is at, go on a date like them, be at the game court-side like them, etc. Will there ever be an end? Is anyone be content anymore just living their own life, even if no one knew about it?

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