Sunday, December 15, 2019

Marketplace of Ideas

     While still exploring the eight values of free expression, I could not help but continue to wonder about the marketplace of ideas. It is a concept that I vaguely remember talking about in class very early on in the semester. I knew that it was something I wanted to dig deeper into, find out what it truly entails. I came across a vast amount of information the supported just how much the marketplace of ideas actually protects our right to and exercise of free speech. 
     One article made a striking point in writing that "the theory holds that the free dissemination of ideas creates a social process in which the truth competes and eventually wins out over falsehood." It relates the marketplace of ideas in a way that really parallels the economic free market. It discusses how ideas may compete and try to come out on top. In this market, however, it is less about goods and more about the idea that the truth will always emerge when two ideas are in competition. By allowing ideas freely expressed to wrestle with one another, self expression is protected. While the idea of censoring everything and only allowing the right information to be presented to the people is one that is talked about, it is also an idea that ultimately crushes the rights of individuals to free speech. This theory is timeless in my opinion, as it allows for the  free dissemination of ideas in our country. This promotes debate, inspiration, conversation, and passion.  It gives our country the chance to come together and prove that they can pick right from wrong, or truth from falsehood; and even if they choose wrong, it was their choice to freely do so. 

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