Sunday, December 15, 2019

What I've Given to the Internet and Cannot Get Back

     Googling myself on the internet is something that I can honestly say I have never done. My friends do it all the time, and they are constantly looking up other people they meet. The things they have found on themselves and others has always scared me away from trying... until now. 
     One of the first recognizable images I can see of myself is a picture of me from prom. When I click on the image, I realize that it is a direct link to a Facebook post- a post I have actually never seen before. I am not even tagged in this Facebook post, yet it still comes up on Google because my name is merely written in the caption. That is all it takes- just for your name to be written in attachment to the image. Upon reading the caption, I see that it provides information on where I attend college, what sorority I am in, my major, my hometown, and even what I did two summers ago. I am shocked by how easily, and with literally just two clicks, I have discovered most of my basic information. This was a post made by the sorority I am in but I do not recall ever seeing this or being asked to provide information on it. This caused me to wonder just how easily the creator of the post was able to access this information of me. I decide to try and find out. I google my name again- this time not on images but on all. My LinkedIn  profile immediately comes up. I do not know why I had never thought of this before, but my LinkedIn is public- it is public and it gives anyone on the internet access to so much of who I am. My personal contact information, my hometown high school, my interests and passions, my involvement, my age, and the list truly does go on and on. I never realize that a platform I use to create my brand and form connections and generate opportunities, is also a one-stop here is everything about me. Is that how familiar I have become with this idea of filling in my personal information via keyboard and hitting enter?

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